50th Birthday Wishes for Uncle

Uncles can be lots of fun, and teach you quite a lot.
They can teach you more than you ever really thought.
They teach you how to laugh and play and love and care and see
All the best that the world has to offer you and me.

Uncles are the very best, that’s what I’m trying to say.
And of the uncles in the world, you’re best of all in every way!
You’ve shown me so much about myself and about the world as well,
So I hope your fiftieth is a birthday that’s just swell!

Happy 50th Birthday to my favorite uncle!

When I think about the people that made me who I am,
I of course think of my parents, as we often do.
But I also think of another person that did help.
That person is an amazing mentor, that person, he is you!

By being an amazing uncle you have helped me grow.
You’ve helped me become all that I was ever meant to be.
When I think of all the times the two of us have seen,
I get a smile just thinking of the memories I see!

If I’m ever half the person that I see in you,
I won’t be able to complain, ’cause that’d be pretty nifty.
I hope you celebrate your birthday in a great big way,
After all it’s not each day a great uncle does turn fifty!

I honestly don’t know where I’d be
Without you here, my unc!
I probably would have been long gone,
My ship sure would have sunk.
You helped me laugh when I needed
You helped me to see
All the goals and aspirations
That could be for me.
For half a century you’ve been
A great asset to the earth.
You’ll never know just how much
To me your love is worth.
Not every person gets to have
An uncle like I did.
I sure am aware that I
was one lucky kid!
I don’t want to be long winded
So I will just say
Hope you have a very happy
fiftieth birthday!

You forget to tuck in your shirt
You lose your keys more often.
You’re watching as your hair turns grey,
And your stomach starts to soften.
Squinting to read menus happens frequently.
That ache in your back just won’t go away.
You might be aging, but you better
Celebrate this incredible day!
Because with all its side effects
Aging brings some good things.
You won’t hear as many of the bad notes
When everybody sings!

Happy 50th, Uncle!

You sure have a lot of amazing qualities in you, Unc!
You’ve got all the amazing patience of a devout monk.
You’ve got the spirit of a tiger when you need to fight,
You cared enough to take the time to teach me wrong from right.
But even still you knew the importance of having fun,
And you always encouraged me to take me place in the sun!
So on your fiftieth birthday I hope you celebrate,
Because as far as uncles go, you’re pretty darn great!
Without you in my life I really don’t know where I’d be,
So keep on living, laughing, loving and leading life carefree!