60th Birthday Wishes

This birthday is different, it’s one of a kind,
You’ve reached a milestone; today just unwind.
You’ve earned the honor and respect of your peers,
Because you’ve attained the wisdom of years.
Today you are 60, and everyone knows
That with each passing year, your character grows.
It’s a day to celebrate, no need to be glum,
So here’s a toast to more years to come!

Today you are 60! Let’s raise a glass!
Bang on the drum! Blow the horn made of brass!
And at the end of the day when the partying is done,
You can fall into bed and remember the fun!

On this milestone of your 60th birthday,
Take a look back at the years gone by.
No matter how difficult or frightening the experience,
You made it through.
The sum of those things has made you
who you are today.
I’m so proud to know the person you have become,
And to be traveling this part of your journey with you.
And the greatest thing about your 60th birthday?
Knowing you will still be a part of my life for many years to come.

It’s your 60th birthday, and I’m tickled pink.
And being 60 is more fun than you think!
That senior discount will save you a bunch,
And on Senior Day at the club, you get a free lunch!
You can take up golf, learn to paint, even ski,
As long as you don’t strain that replacement knee!
So don’t knock being 60, and don’t be discouraged,
Because now plaid pants are allowed and encouraged!

The past year has been difficult, I know.
But today isn’t a day for looking back.
Today is for looking forward,
To all the years ahead,
And all the good times yet to be had.
Happy 60th birthday.

Today is a day to celebrate
Everything that you have become,
And all that you have accomplished.
My wish for you is that all of the love, encouragement, and joy
That you have spent your life giving to others
Finds its way back to you,
Not only today, but in all your tomorrows to come.
Happy 60th birthday.

Today you turn 60 with a youthful grin,
A twinkle in your eye and a cleft in your chin.
My wish for you is a long life ahead,
And that you never forget these words that I’ve said.
May what you’ve given to others day after day
Come back to you often and without delay.

Today, unbelievably, you turn 60.
But today isn’t just another birthday.
It’s a milestone.
It’s a day to look back, not only at everything you have achieved,
But also at how your life has touched others.
On this special day, I want to thank you for being my friend
And changing my life.
Because of you, I have grown into someone
I otherwise would never have become.
I am so glad you were born, and that I was lucky enough to meet you.
I look forward to many more years of our friendship.
Happy 60th birthday.