72th Birthday Wishes

Happy 72nd birthday to a man who still works hard every day
You are so active and physically strong in every way
I wish you continued good health, so you can do all things you love to do
You deserve all of life’s happiness and love that is true

Do you know that you are cherished for the wisdom you bring
And for the honesty you reveal even if it stings?
You are such a man of good character, of honor, and of grace
No matter where you go, everyone knows your well-respected face
It takes so much brilliance, talent, and wit
To be the man you are and to be so good at it
We love you even more than we can possibly say
We hope you have a happy 72nd birthday

You are such an example of the success that life can bring
When you work hard, do your best, and not be afraid on anything
You have us your bravery, positive attitude, and your wit
There is nothing you tried that you ever quit
We have learned so man lessons from you along the way
We hope you have a great 72nd birthday

There is no one else in the word like you
You make us laugh each day with your jokes, too
Your smiling face is a constant reminder to us all
That we need to take a moment to get back up after we fall
We could all learn a few things from you
Have a great 72nd birthday and enjoy it, too

Happy 72nd birthday to a woman we all treasure more than we can say
Your happiness is all that matters on this special day
We look to you for love and for support, too
We want you to be proud of us in all that we do
Your smiling face is the reason we strive so hard to be
The best people we can be just for you to see

Do you know that I respect you more than words can say
That I wake up trying to please you in every way
You have done so much for me over the years
That I want to give back so you don’t shed any more tears
I love you and am working hard just for you
I hope you have a great 72nd birthday, too

My love for you is more that I can put into words or say
Just know that I am thinking of you on your 72nd birthday
I want you to be happy and to know that you are cared for
I want you to be special and to have happiness galore

Happy 72nd birthday to one of the greatest people I know
For your happiness, there are no limits to which I would go
You put others before yourself so many times through the year
That this is your day to be in the spotlight, my dear

I know that you can be shy sometimes and hate to be in the spotlight
Unfortunately, my dear, on your birthday it is only right
That you be the one we celebrate and hold dear
You deserve so much happiness and good cheer
Have a great 72nd birthday
Spent in a grand way