May the years to come be filled with enough adventure and wonder to satisfy even a spirit as brave as yours, and may you always know how much I admire that bravery in you.
I hope that when you look back on your life, you feel as proud of the young woman you’ve become as I do and, looking toward the future, you are as excited as I am to meet the amazing woman you will become.
I know you think I was always looking out for you when we were kids, but what you probably don’t know is that I needed something worth looking out for. Thank you for being that.
For all the times in our childhood that you looked up to me, I was always proudest of the fact that you were my sister, and that hasn’t changed at all.
My birthday wish for you is that you receive back from the world even a fraction of the all the beauty you’ve put into it simply by being the wonderful person you are.
When we were kids, I always tried to be the best big brother I could. What I never realized in all that time was that my little sister was also making me a better man. I hope the world understands what a great gift you are.
May this year exceed all your wildest expectations, may you see that sometimes failures are just new opportunities, and may you always know how proud I am to be your big brother.
On your birthday, I want you to know that the greatest moments in my life usually had something to do with my little sister.
I want you to know that today isn’t just your birthday, but that on this day I got the best job I’ll ever have. I became your big brother, and I couldn’t be prouder of the way you’ve turned out.
For your birthday, I would wish that you always have friends who adore you, colleagues who respect you, and family that supports your biggest dreams…but I know you’ll always have these things anyway, because I know you’ll always have me.
May the years to come be filled with as many rambunctious and silly moments as our childhood, and may your light shine as brightly as it has, for me, since the day you were born. Don’t ever let anything dampen that brilliant spirit, because that’s what makes you the beautiful person I am fortunate enough to call my sister.