Birthday Wishes for 55 Year Old Man

Fifty-five is quite an age,
It’s a special milestone.
For at this age you have learned.
Things that others don’t.
You have learned that now
Fifty wasn’t quite so bad.
It’s okay if you’re nostalgic,
Visualizing all you had.
Everyone goes through this stage
For some it’s quickly done
But others don’t quite know what
To do when this far they’ve come.
But you my friend will keep on going
Onward, upward, to better things.
So beam with pride when everybody
Cuts the cake and sings!

Happy 55th Birthday!

Happy Birthday is a phrase that we throw around,
But for what I want to say it’s a bit to small.
This commonly used message has a generic sound
That won’t cover what you mean to me at all!

I don’t want your birthday to just be simply happy.
I want it to be amazing, great and truly perfect.
It might sound a little goofy, perhaps even sappy,
But I don’t want you ever to feel sadness I detect.

It’s beautiful the way you’ve lived your life so very true
And honest to the way you think that others should all live.
I have learned so much from watching everything you do.
And thinking of you always to may face a smile gives.

For all you’ve taught me over these past many years
I really can’t begin to thank you properly.
So I want to say many, many cheers
On this day which you should feel nothing but pure glee!

Happy 55th Birthday to one of the best guys I know!

In fifty-five years a man can fill so many roles.
Father, brother, friend, and son just to name a few.
You’ve had ups and also downs, been raked across the coals.
But getting back up and continuing is what you do.
No matter what titles you held, you always did your best
To lead a life of honesty and truth and love and grace.
You have set a great example, really I don’t jest,
As far as being a “real man,” that test you did ace!
You’re loyal and you live your life with integrity,
You work so hard every day, and are never ever lazy.
So because of all of that, here’s a wish from me.
For a birthday that’s what you want – whether tame or crazy!

Everybody’s life can benefit from knowing you,
I’m really not kidding! I mean, yes it’s true!
We joke around and don’t really let our true feelings show,
But on your fifty-fifth I just thought you should know:
I think you’re great, I think you’re fantastic, really great,
The amount of admiration I have, don’t underestimate!
You’re truly a stand-up guy, and someone I’m proud to say
Is one of my very best friends, now and every day!
So make sure you take a moment to kick back and chill,
Grab a cold one for your Birthday, and give someone else the bill!

Happy 55th Birthday, my friend!

At fifty-five you might find the signs of age set in.
Your hearing’s going, so is your memory, menus you can’t see,
All the tell-tale signs are there, including this other one,
You just opened up an offer from AARP!