27th Birthday Wishes

When I think of all I’ve learned
Just by being friends with you,
I realize that where I’d be
Without you – I have no clue.
Because you have taught me so
How to live and love and laugh,
Made me see errors I’ve made,
Always been my better half.
For these twenty-seven years
I’ve counted myself in luck,
Knowing that right at my side
You have been willingly stuck.
On a day like this one now
There’s always so much to say,
But I’ll keep it short and sweet,
And just say “Happy Birthday!”

Knowing you, my friend so true
Has been just like heaven,
And now I say Happy Birthday
As you turn twenty-seven!

T is for Truth – a virtue you seem to live by.
W is for Wild – a side of you I know is there.
E is for Everlasting – I hope that’s what our friendship will be.
N is for Newness – of opportunities that are everywhere!
T is for Thankful – how I feel about time spent together.
Y is for Yesteryear – and all the memories we made.
S is for Strength – a quality of yours I most admire.
E is for Experience – which taught you to make lemons in to lemonade.
V is for Variety – the spice of life, as you’ve taught me.
E is for Eccentric – my favorite side of yours to see.
N is for Next year – and the next and the next as I say
here’s hoping that you have a very happy, happy birthday!

You’re twenty-seven, and gee you’re getting old!
Thirty is just around the corner, you’ve been told!
But there’s still time to enjoy your youth,
And to find out some fundamental life truths.
With twenty-seven years behind you and many ahead,
You’ll boldly go where no path before has led!
You’ll pave your own way, and you’ll never give up,
At the end of the day, you’ll win the gold cup!
Because I’ve seen all the drive and care
That you apply to everything, everywhere!
You feel old, but here’s something – savor it;
You’re still always going to be my favorite!

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Person!

I don’t know why, but some people seem
To panic on their birthdays, get very upset.
It’s like they refuse to admit they’re older,
But away from aging, none of us can get.

Resistance is futile, why can’t they see,
People age each year, and always get through.
And with each birthday brings a new year,
With endless possibilities of new things to do.

Instead of focusing on the years gone by,
Focus on the future that lies still ahead.
Let’s not think of the nostalgia behind,
And think of the opportunities, instead!

At twenty-seven there’s so much possibility,
Things you never could imagine before.
So here’s a toast to these twenty-seven years,
And here’s a second one to twenty-seven more!

Getting older seems to be something we all dread.
But today’s your special day, so hurry up, get out of bed!
Another birthday is today, but don’t worry you’ll survive!
We’ll just pretend it’s your 3rd time turning twenty-five!

Happy 3rd Anniversary of Your 25th Birthday!