Birthday Wishes for Loved Ones In Heaven

I always think of you on the day you were born.
There were so many lessons you helped me learn.
I miss your laughter, sense of humor and smile.
Heaven is lucky to have an angel of your style.

You’re always in my life, even though only in spirit.
It never gets easier, I have no shame to admit.
Each night I say a prayer in hopes to speak to you.
True friends in this world are so far and few.
I am saddened to not be able to see you on your birthday.
I’ll always have the memories of sharing the warm days of May.

You were taken from our lives too soon.
I will still wish you a happy birthday.
Even if I feel like I’m talking to the moon.

A birthday candle sits on your grave today.
We miss you the same as when you first went away.
The angels are blessed to have you in Heaven.
You’ve always been as lucky as the number seven.

Each year I think of you as I shed so many tears.
It feels like just yesterday though its been many years.
You’re in a better place than this world could give.
Have a happy birthday, the memories I will relive.

Do you recall the times we used to play outside as small children?
You were more than a sister, you were my friend.
Each year another birthday comes to pass.
I think of you fondly as I sit to pray in the grass.

As a mother, you taught us so many things growing up.
Reading, writing, singing and dancing.
You taught us to sit up and drink from a cup.
We are thankful for the good times, memories and constant laughing.
It’s your birthday today and everyone is smiling.

I miss you today, my best friend and dad.
You’re in Heaven on your birthday.
I can’t help but to feel abandoned and sad.
I forgive you and love you, and I will see you again one day.

On your birthday, we’re gathered around sharing memories.
It never gets easier, even if you’d been gone centuries.
No one can ever take your place, and no one would every try.
I miss you, my brother, but I know you hate to see me cry.

My grandpa molded me into the gentleman that I became.
He was generations older, but in many ways we’re the same.
As his birthday passes, I shed a tear in regret.
I want him to see the father than I am, and my wife he never met.

I miss you on your birthday, my beloved best friend.
Your photo has not moved from beside my bed.
The memories never died, they just came to an abrupt end.
There is so much more I know I should’ve said.

No parent knows how to properly say goodbye to their child.
I remember the days you were so young and wild.
You were born so many years ago on this day today.
I love you and hope the angels are throwing you a nice birthday.