Birthday Wishes for Ex-Husband

You were a very significant part of my life in the past.
There is a special bond between us as co-parents and friends.
I hope that your birthday is an absolute blast.
Although we are divorced, I am glad that we made amends.

We are no longer married, but you are always in my heart.
Things are going much better for us all now that we are apart.
I can never forget that this date is an important day.
Have an amazing birthday with your beautiful new fiancee.

Years have gone by since we decided to go our separate ways.
I’m glad that things are peaceful and I can still sing your praise.
Thank you for being a wonderful friend no matter how we disagree.
You’re getting a year older, but at least you are free.

Our children are the greatest gift I have ever received.
When we initially divorced, I admit that I grieved.
Things are much easier with you as just a great friend.
I wish you a great birthday and all of the happiness in the end.

There is a lot of time that I think about calling just to check on you.
It is no longer my place in life, but for your birthday I always come through.
I hope that you are happy and proud of how you are growing.
You deserve nothing but happiness that is overflowing.

Another year has passed as you are growing older.
Don’t let anyone take away your bright flame to cause you to smolder.
You’re still as handsome as ever, maybe better than I recall.
I never expected my ex-husband to still be above all.

We no longer share a life or a marriage, but there were a lot of good times passed.
Welcoming our children and raising them together was a blast.
It was the best decision to pursue other adventures after the divorce.
You deserve a great birthday no matter how you have changed the course.

Our children created our bond that cannot be broken.
After our breakup, there were a lot of words I left unspoken.
You’re an amazing man, and I hope you find the perfect mate.
Treat each day as though it is special, especially on your birth date.

It is unfortunately that things did not work out in our relationship.
I refuse to say bad things or let a negative word slip.
You’re a beloved friend and I hope you have an exciting birthday.
I’d like to take you out to dinner as long as you let me pay.

We are no longer together but our son reminds of me you every so often.
He looks just like you, and it caused my heart to soften.
Things are looking up in my life, and for yours I always pray.
I am thinking fondly of you on your birthday today.

Days of arguments, resentment, and anger have come and gone.
I am glad we can be friends now that we have both moved on.
You deserve a great birthday and a a life filled with love.
The way you see the best in every situation I am in awe of.