Birthday Wishes for Sister in Law

My beautiful sister-in-law is a real sibling to me.
She is always there no matter what the problem might be.
I wish her the happiest birthday the world can provide.
Things would not be the same without her by my side.

I’ve always wished that life would bring me a sister to love.
I am lucky to have a brother that met and married an amazing chick.
Today is her birthday, and our friendship fits like a tight glove.
I’d do anything for her, because things just seem to click.

A sister-in-law is a special friend and necessary part of the group.
If she was sick, I’d rush over with homemade chicken soup.
Her birthday is a special time to celebrate her life.
My brother found a great catch when he made her his wife.

It has always been a regret that I didn’t have a little sister to watch over.
If anyone ever messed with you, I’d stand up to them like a bulldozer.
No one could find a more perfect match for my brother than you.
Enjoy this special birthday with the new family that loves you through and through.

No one warned you that marrying my brother meant dealing with all of us.
We’re a rowdy bunch so I hope you don’t mind that we always fuss.
Birthdays are a big deal to us, so get your party hat on.
It’s too late to turn back now the time to back out is gone.

Our parents brag about you as though you are their own child.
They are excited to have you as a new addition so they are running wild.
You’re a really cool sister-in-law and I am happy that you came to stay.
We’re lucky to have you with us on your very special birthday.

I’m sure you will eventually become like the sister I never had.
Take care of my brother, and always cheer him up when he gets sad.
We’re going to make great memories on your first birthday as a married lady.
It wont be long before we start pressuring you to have a baby.

Do not let it make you feel awkward that we’re a tight group of siblings.
We welcome you as one of us despite what you may be thinking.
You can expect that we are only looking out for our beloved brother.
We’re going to make sure you have a special birthday with one another.

My brother chose you so I am forced to like you regardless.
Luckily, you’re a really cool person that seems pretty harmless.
Make sure that you protect him and keep him happy.
Have fun on your birthday, forgive me if I start to get sappy.

Things sure have changed since the day my little brother was born.
He has grown into a good husband with a lovely wife that he has sworn.
You’re a real blessing in the lives of all of us that know you.
Let loose on your birthday, we’ve got a lot of partying to do.