Birthday Wishes about getting old

You may be older today
But to me you’re never old
Just a collection of beautiful experiences
I’ve had the pleasure to behold

Over the years as you’ve grown wise
As you’ve seen more of life
So happy birthday to you today
I am so glad you’ve aged better than time

Some say getting older is a terrible thing
That lines and wrinkles hold you down
But I’ve noticed that each new year
just makes you more pleasant to be around

Keep a big smile on your face
As you celebrate your birthday today
And remember to save me a piece of two
Of your wise old birthday cake

Dancing with time can be a challenge
As we see faces come and go
But you’ve handled each new moment in life
With grace, wisdom, and gusto

It’s a pleasure to wish you a happy birthday
And spend each moment of it with you
You might be getting older today
But you’re also getting to be brand new

Friends are there to share moments with
As age overcomes us all
Thanks for always being there for me
Through each new rise and fall

I wish you happiness on your birthday
And hope you’re doing just fine
On this most special of wise, old birthdays
I’m glad I have a friend to call mine

The passage of time can be overwhelming
But for one that’s as old and wise as you,
Each new moment is a beautiful lesson
And a friend to share it with through and through

You’re older but wiser,
and I might venture to say still more dashing than ever
Happy birthday to my friend who has been there
In both fair and foul weather.

It’s true that some might see you as old
But I choose to see you as a wise old owl
I’ve known you all these many years
But I’ve never been more proud than I am right now

You’re facing this new day as you always have
and overcoming each new year
Happy birthday to one of my most special friends
I’ll always hold you dear.

Your cake is new
But some are saying you’re over the hill
Don’t listen to them,
We all know how we feel

We feel that age is just another number
You’ve counted an unusually large number of times
We’re all here to blow out those candles with you
And celebrate with you 1000 more times.

It seems like I’ve known you forever
And your age today might support that fact
But the truth is that every year
Makes you seem younger than the last.

Your laughter is youthful,
Your heart is still young,
Happy birthday to you my old friend,
Thank you for making life fun.

Each new year is a new piece of the puzzle
As you stare down those that call you old
Keep all of those cards in your hand
Don’t bend before time and fold.

You’ve got youthful vigor stored up galore
And you’ve got a cake waiting for you
Happy birthday my sweetest friend,
I’m so glad to have met a friend so true.

The young folks may call you over the hill
They might think your best years are behind you
But I know better than that when you laugh
Because I see a youthful heart beating too.

Have a youthful old birthday my friend
And don’t forget to laugh and have fun
Blow out your candles and relax all day
You’ve earned it when your birthday is done.